He maybe green with ZBrush, but he is definitely a master with 2D. Seeing Mr. ...

by Joshua Diokno   April 6, 2018    0

Needless to say, being a visual artist in the digital era requires not only talent ...

by Joshua Diokno   April 4, 2018    0

When starting in a craft, we can't help but be greatly influenced by its primary ...

by Joshua Diokno   March 23, 2018    0

Despite having talent, being able to keep up with what you do best is a ...

by Joshua Diokno   March 22, 2018    0

In today's featured interview, let's get to know ZBrush artist Mr. Eduardo Fiore. Seeing his ...

by Joshua Diokno   March 20, 2018    0

It may be a cliche, but it still holds water: pushing yourself further is the ...

by Joshua Diokno   March 12, 2018    0

Mr. Márcio Miranda, (known over at ArtStation as Jack Malone) has quite an impressive online ...

by Joshua Diokno   March 10, 2018    0

"To get more, pay more" This is modern society's mantra. The mindset is unshakeable and had ...

by Joshua Diokno   March 8, 2018    0

Maintaining close ties with a client in a project, getting their pulse, asking for feedback ...

by Joshua Diokno   March 5, 2018    0

More often than not, we like lavishing in our comfort zones. It’s safer there. We ...

by Joshua Diokno   March 2, 2018    0